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Tips for Beautiful skin

For most women, a routine part of the morning and evening includes a skincare regime to apply creams, lotions, tonics, and more. Why do women go through this process? They will do it primarily to fight the signs of aging and maintain youthful looks and beautiful skin!

But it's a safe bet that most women don't think much about what's included in the products they use. Some women may not realize that what they are putting on their skin can actually damage what they are originally trying to prevent. In fact, the average woman puts around 12 products on her skin every day, most of which contain harmful chemical preservatives

Most experts believe that true beauty is a reflection of true health, and true health begins deep inside each and every cell in the body. But health and beauty are exposed to exterior factors, which is why we require protection from environmental traits such as solar radiation, pollution and the drying effects of air. The point is, you simply cannot contain a healthy body if your skin isn't healthy. And your skin can't be healthy if you’re exposing it to toxic substances that will be eventually absorbed into your body.

What can women do? How can they deal with external traits? How can I make sure I'm using the best products for my skin, inside and out? Here are 7 tips to help you with the process.

1. Pay attention to what is included in skincare products. Use natural products whenever possible.

2. Find products that include skin surface regeneration techniques.

3. Learn how to limit and manage stress effectively. Stress is both mentally and physically harmful

4. Search for products that include Proflavonol T and Proteo C. These two vitamins give your body advanced antioxidant protection and supports a balanced immune system, they protect the skin from premature aging, pollution and other environmental factors. It also provides high-quality nutrition to the skin, keeping it smooth and firm.

5. If possible, use paraben-free products. Parabens are synthetic chemical preservatives widely used in personal care products including shampoos, conditioners, hair styling products, makeup, face masks, skin lotions and creams, and deodorants. It is also commonly used as an ingredient in baby lotions, shampoos, and other personal care products for babies and children. Also, many foods or medicines contains Paraben. While some studies have challenged the toxicity of many products and questioned their long-term effects on humans, using products that do not contain parabens may eliminate the risk of exposure to this dangerous chemical.

6. Drink lots of water! Water gives shine to the skin and hair, and flushes toxins out of the body.

7. Use products with regenisomes. Regenisomes penetrates the skin and promotes the regeneration of cells after exposure to sunlight. It also has photosomes to renew your skin while you sleep and restore/heal your skin tissue from sun damage.

Follow these tips for a glowing skin and a healthy body and sign up for more here.

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