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8 Simple Self Care Tips

These are some simple tips to help you begin or align yourself with a self-care journey.

1. Beauty rest

Start when you need to wake up and count back 8 hours instead of focusing on setting an alarm clock to wake up. As a society, we are sleep deprived but we do require 8 hours of sleep for our bodies to function optimally and for the long haul.

2. Journaling

Along with writing down all the stress that happens in your day, it is also wise to keep a note on the positive side of things. Make space in your journal for the person the held the door open for you or the free pizza that was offered at the restaurant because it was someones birthday.

3. Nature

Spend time out in the wild they say yes because it's good for your body and calms the nervous system, elevates your mood, and increases your energy levels. So go for a hike, literally.

4. Daily Massages

A self-administered massage cost nothing and could be as simple as a hand or foot massage. You can check google and youtube for great pointers.

5. Meditate

Scientifically meditation is proven to reduce stress, improve focus, boost your immune system, and slow signs of aging. Meditation in respect to your other self-care regimens is a great addition. There are a variety of apps on the market to access different styles of meditation

6. Self Compassionate

Pay attention to the words you use when you talk to yourself and make sure that you are using compassionate words. This is difficult for some to do but you have to catch yourself and know your triggers.

7. Say "NO"

Learn to say 'no" and let go. As many people struggle with this, it's easier said than done. You may say yes but you really want to say no. Then just say "NO' and let go.

8. Your Body

Your body is your temple and you must take care of it. All the things listed above will aid in taking care of your body and mind however, eating properly will help your body and a great way to practice self-care.

What are some of your self-care routines? Leave a comment below and let us know.

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